Press Release: Opusxenta unveils Cutting-Edge Innovations at ICCFA Event in Tampa
[Tampa, FL – April 10] – Opusxenta, a leading provider of innovative software solutions for the deathcare industry, announced a series of […]
Ten essential features to look for in your cemetery, funeral home, or crematory management software.
The right software is crucial for effectively managing your cemetery, funeral home, or crematory. But, with so many options available, finding the […]
Eight must-have features to look for in your cemetery, funeral home, or crematoria management software.
We’ve been talking a lot about the changes within the death care industry lately. From environmental concerns to financial ones, community needs […]
How can technology help you address the changing needs of your community?
We spoke in a recent post about the changing needs within the death care industry and how your communities are embracing these […]
Changing needs within the death care industry: what your community is asking for.
In many Western countries, Australia and the United Kingdom included, cremation has begun far eclipsing burial as the preferred method of interment. […]
The History of Cemetery Florals: How Flowers Have Played a Role in Death Care Throughout Time
The art of gifting flowers is something that has existed across cultures as far back as the Stone Age, their beauty and […]