Byond Blog

Unlocking the Power of Digital Cemetery Mapping Software: Transforming Cemetery Management
Accurate cemetery mapping is a crucial cemetery software feature that enables cemetery managers to maintain comprehensive records of burial locations, plot inventory, and plot ownership.

Time Management at the Cemetery: Supporting Families, Employees, and Business Through Effective Use of Software
Striking a balance between supporting grieving families and maintaining the well-being of your staff is not about working harder—it’s about working smarter.

Cloud Storage for Cemeteries: What It Is, Features & Benefits
Cloud storage for cemeteries enhances operational efficiency, enabling digital record management, cemetery mapping, and long-term preservation of critical data.

Cemetery Record Keeping: 7 Tips For Keeping Cemetery Records
As a cemetery business, you should know exactly how to keep cemetery records and how best to protect them. There is no

Cemetery Management: Best Practice Guide
Cemetery management professionals regularly grapple with a unique set of challenges. However, just like it does for other industries, technology offers cemetery
Press Release: Opusxenta unveils Cutting-Edge Innovations at ICCFA Event in Tampa
[Tampa, FL – April 10] – Opusxenta, a leading provider of innovative software solutions for the deathcare industry, announced a series of

Implementing an Efficient, Complete, Cemetery Management System at Flushing Cemetery
The team at Flushing Cemetery knew they had to change their soon-to-be obsolete operating system, so when the time came, they made

Embracing the Digital Age: The Value of Cemetery Record Keeping Software
Cemeteries, often regarded as sacred grounds, hold the memories of generations past – cemetery record keeping software can help maintain these memories.

Managing a Seamless Software Transition at Newton Cemetery & Arboretum
When faced with the impending retirement of their legacy software system, Newton Cemetery & Arboretum sourced a new solution that has enabled