‘In Conversation with’ Dr Don Eisenhauer
Dr Don Eisenhauer shares the principles of end of life coaching and how his Bereavement Management System can support Funeral Directors in providing aftercare to the families they serve.

Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Bereavement Services Part 2
Continuing our discussions with suppliers and service providers in the sector, we heard presentations from DFW regarding Electric Cremators, The Faunus Group and the advancement of decomposition as a positive impact solution as well as insights from Funeral Service Insights presented by Leverton & Sons.

‘In Conversation with’ Brendan Day
Brendan Day discusses how the UK bereavement sector is recognizing the need for change as pressure grows for the sector to reduce their impact on the environment.

‘In Conversation with’ Connie Putnam
Connie Putnam talks about the donation process, the difference donations make, and how funeral directors can work with local organizations to honor a donor’s wishes.

Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Bereavement Services Part 1
In the UK we have over 600,000 deaths per annum and we have always recognised the need to provide a means for disposing of the dead which is both respectful and sanitary. Now we must add a third consideration, the environment. Each of us in the process which combines to dispose of the dead, from funeral director to crematorium provider to memorial supplier has a role to play.

‘In Conversation with’ Jeff Zealley
Jeff Zeally discusses the importance of ethics in the funeral profession and how to respond when faced with an ethical dilemma.

Contributing to Change Locally and Strategically
On the 17th March 2021, OpusXenta and the FBCA presented the second in a series of webinars to focus on the impact that bereavement services are having on the environment. With over 75% of local authorities declaring a climate emergency, the sector is mobilising to benchmark the current position and develop action plans to address this global issue, and the formation of the Environmental Stewardship Group is just the first step.

‘In Conversation with’ Annette Richards
Annette Richards discusses how parks and open spaces, including cemeteries, are important for our health and well-being.

‘In Conversation with’ Nancy Weil
Nancy Weil discusses how laughter helps reduce stress, boost your immune system, and provide other health benefits.

What Changes Can Crematoria, Funeral Homes and Cemeteries Make to Protect Our Environment?
Listen to this webinar recording where OpusXenta’s Scott Storey and Federation Executive Officer for the FBCA, Brendan Day, are joined by guests from the sector to discuss ways in which we can reduce our carbon footprint and be more aware of the changes we can make in the Bereavement Sector as included in the UK Crematorium Compliance Scheme.

‘In Conversation with’ Shannah Kennedy
Shannah Kennedy shares practical and insightful tips and reasons to prioritise and practice self-care.

‘In Conversation with’ Greg Wright
Greg Wright talks about the changing funeral profession and the new product trends and options for the modern consumer.