Byond Blog

How Digital Mapping Became an Essential Tool for Northern Metropolitan Cemeteries
James Meyrick, Chief Information Officer (CIO) for Northern Metropolitan Cemeteries (NMC), is passionate about implementing innovative technology solutions to create excellent customer experiences

How Science and Technology are Leveraging the Green Agenda
Our final environmental webinar in our 5 part series leaves us to ponder the role of science and technology and how we can facilitate these to create lasting change and adopt more sustainable death care management solutions.

‘In Conversation with’ Prof Jon Prangnell
Professor Jon Prangnell talks about the excavation of the North Brisbane Burial Grounds and how they identified the remains of a lady who died in 1863.

‘In Conversation with’ Neil Amrhein
Neil Amrhein discusses My Goat, commercial lawn mowing technology that can revolutionize cemetery lawn care.

Cemetery Mapping: Cost Effective Tools Mean It Doesn’t Have To Be Out Of Reach
There is no denying that technology has helped improve the death care experience, both for the family and friends of the deceased

Unlock Your Business Potential: Why Comprehensive Reporting is Important
In any funeral home, cemetery or crematory, having a comprehensive overview of your business is essential to maintaining a sustainable operation. Whether

‘In Conversation with’ Robert Pitt
Robert Pitt talks about Adelaide Cemeteries’ award-winning cemetery tours, how they’re delivered and the benefits to the cemetery and the surrounding community.

‘In Conversation with’ Dr Don Eisenhauer
Dr Don Eisenhauer shares the principles of end of life coaching and how his Bereavement Management System can support Funeral Directors in providing aftercare to the families they serve.

Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Bereavement Services Part 2
Continuing our discussions with suppliers and service providers in the sector, we heard presentations from DFW regarding Electric Cremators, The Faunus Group and the advancement of decomposition as a positive impact solution as well as insights from Funeral Service Insights presented by Leverton & Sons.